Subject Based Plans

​​Some countywide Planning Documents offer policies and plans related to specific subjects.  There are currently two subject-base plans that may affect planning for development activities.

Bikeways Master Plan. (County Department of Transportation)  This plan provides adopted maps and policies for creating a safe comfortable and convenient bikeways system in Sacramento County.  It covers a broad range of topics from detailed standards for various bikeway types, to specific maps of proposed bikeway routes.  The Plan policies cite requirements for new development, implemented through project conditions of approval, which help to achieve the goals of the Plan. 

Applicants with proposed developments may need to consult the Bikeways Master Plan when bike paths or related amenities are required as a condition of approval, or if the proposed development is likely to impact implementation of the Bikeways Plan. 

Pedestrian Master Plan. (County Department of Transportation)  This plan is focused on how the unincorporated county can be best improve the pedestrian friendliness of its developments with the goal of improved safety and access on public streets.  Many of the policies and implementation measures are internal to the County and assume County funding.  However, applicants with larger development projects (e.g. Specific Plans or other special plan areas) may be required to provide pedestrian amenities as outlined in the Pedestrian Master Plan.